Monday, April 16, 2007

Feeling like I've done something

You know that there are days that go by and you think "what did I even do today?" I have a lot of those. It's dumb because I know that when I make a list the night before I always feel better. Yet, I let too many days just happen. I don't want to be too organized because then I wouldn't be me. But, I want to be more purposeful about what I am doing. This is especially important with my kids. On days that I play hard with them we all get along better. On days that I keep working on a project long enough to say that it's done, I feel like I accomplished something and that is such a great feeling. My house is not exactly clean right now but it doesn't feel so bad because we had a full-on Zoo in my living room this morning with a snack bar and I priced 7 boxes of garage sale things. I played with my kids and finished a project. It's a snowball effect because now I have spent the last hour emailing and finally updating my blog instead of playing Gin Rummy on my computer. Look out world! I am on a roll. Or, maybe I'll just play a couple of games and go to bed. Let's not get carried away.


Anonymous said...

I am a huge list maker. But that is about where it ends. My intentions are good, just not my follow through. It's the jobs I like to call, "Never ending stories" like laundry and dishes that keep me over-whelmed with it all. I've learned to accept the clutter since Payden has come along - Bryan, not so much.

Priscilla said...

Sometimes I feel like I haven't accomplished anything...and there are days when that is good because I've done more important things...and then there are days that I just waste. I know that it's hard to live when the house is a wreck, but I don't want life to pass me by just so I'll have a clean house. It's hard to find the balance...but hopefully at the end of the day you can see what you've done, even if all you did was play my little pony with lucy...and feel like it was good.