Sunday, January 27, 2008


In case you haven't heard the awesome news....The New Kids might possibly, maybe, most likely be having a reunion soon. If that's not the "right stuff" I don't know what is. If you click on the link please make sure to read the comments. It's worth it to know, for example, that a fan has corrected the writer on the actual ages of all the guys. And, someone is a big Joey fan and will defend his reputation by arguing that he would never degrade himself by being on Big Brother 9. Seriously, he's got a rep to keep. I will have to have my mom ship me my NKOTB sheets and life-size puzzle (unopened, it's going to be worth so much money now).

And now for your viewing pleasure...

If that's not enough for you then you can borrow one of the live concerts on vhs.


RoniZee said...

Somehow I can't see Donnie Wahlberg getting into this. I mean, he is a tough guy. Super tough. Some might even say that is he hangin' tough.

Jenny Wilkinson said...

Well played. Well played indeed.