Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mixed Tapes

You know how sometimes you hear that someone died (usually older and famous) and you are like, "Ahh, how sad". But really you thought they died a long time ago. That's what happened yesterday when I found out that the cassette tape will no longer be manufactured, blank or otherwise.
My first cassette purchased was Tiffany. My last cassette purchased was Acappella "Conquerors" yesterday at the youth group yard sale. The thing about tapes are that they really aren't that great. The quality stinks compared to CD's and downloads and nothing will ever be as romantic as a record. But - the mixed tape is priceless. I loved my dual cassette player. I loved the skill it took to hit pause at just the right moment before the next song started. I loved the excitement I felt when I handed the tape to a friend (or a special friend) and knowing they got the best of the best in that little case. I also loved decorating the tape cover. I could get elaborate here and usually used cut outs from Soap Opera digest or Tiger Beat. Ah, good times Mr. Cassette. I miss you, even though I thought you were already dead.


Anonymous said...

The last tape I owned was Dave Matthews Band "Under the Table and Dreaming." I owned it because my Geo didn't have a CD player in it. The last mix tape I made was for my best friend because I was leaving for York... she still has it. Why do I feel so old???

RoniZee said...

Oh sad! I never really considered the fact that tape manufacturing would have to stop. I still have some FAB mixed tapes my friend from high school made me in 1995. I mean, I have no way to play them anymore, but they are fabulous none-the-less.

PS. My first 2 tapes were Starship (We Built This City!) and The Thompson Twins. I am so rad.

Priscilla said...

This was a really good blog. I can definitely see you loving mixed tapes. In fact, I think you made a tape or cd of the summer in mc for kevin. and it had some great songs on it from that summer!