Tuesday, May 01, 2007

That Passions is going off the air soon

Well, it has been 8 years in the making but Passions is finally set to go off the air sometime soon. I knew I had to write about this when I turned on the tv a little early for The Rachael Ray Show and saw Sheridan in prison wearing a fake beard so she could be with Luis. Seriously. I am all for a guilty pleasure but I can't take any more. I have gotten sucked into this show before but it was because of the little guy in the clip above. Those were the good days. When people were drinking Martimmis and all was right in Harmony. May Timmy rest in peace.


RoniZee said...

Remember when we were so into Days that we both bought the book?

Seriously, did that happen?

Jenny Wilkinson said...

I got the book for Christmas and you got jealous and bought it for yourself. It was what I was trying to read when I caught the brand new dorm carpet on fire. It's why there are no candles at Cascade College.

RoniZee said...

Haha! I TOTALLY forgot that that was the reason for the great fire of '06! Makes the memory even sweeter.