Monday, June 18, 2007

The things that stick in your head

Someone at a church we worked with a few years ago asked me if I would eat a brownie knowing that there was poop in one of the corners of the pan. He wanted to know if I could honestly say, "the brownies were good except that there was some poop in a couple of squares." The idea being that could we honestly say that a movie was good except that it had the f-word a few times, or it was good except for the nude scene. Could we say that a love song was good except for the part about promiscuity.....Can we? I have been saying that a lot lately with especially the movies I have watched. I have watched some really moving and thought provoking movies in the past couple of months but they have all had a few "excepts" in them. Are they still good movies? hmmmmm.

UPDATE: I reread my post after several comments (most not written here) and decided that the brownie theory is relative. It depends on the movie and it depends on who you are recommending it to. Some of these movies are not for my grandma but that doesn't mean that they aren't worth watching. I think that a lot of these movies, mostly dramas, have given me insight and compassion to worlds that I don't see very often. It gives me a little wake up call that I am in a bubble and there are things going on in the world that are kind of poopy.


RoniZee said...

I say "yes" they are still good. I disagree with the poop theory. I think it is poop. Hehe. :)

Priscilla said...

Kind of a different take on things, but I think we are all full of poop and it took Jesus to be perfect. Otherwise we'd all just be big loads of crap trying to make ourselves look good.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to control what you watch when even the Disney movies are using sexual inuedoes and curse words. This is a hard one for me because I grew up in a chistian home, yet was allowed to watch whatever I wanted. It's left me with very little discernment and two years ago I would have watched almost anything and listened to all kinds of bad music. Now that I am a mom, I am thinking a lot differently. I'd love to have a bit of a higher standard... but I'm not sure I am ready to give up Grey's Anatomy yet (which I am pretty sure is the ultimate poop brownie!). I want better judgement for Payden, but I have a feeling that when he's ten the blurs and beeps will all be gone from the TV and I'll just have to throw it out the window!