Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Method products

So in my latest attempt to go greener (I'll probably never be totally green), I have started using Method products from Target. Let me just say that eco-friendly or not, the mop is the best mop I've ever used. And when you're done you just toss the mopping pad in the washer and use it over and over. It also has swiffer-type cloths. With two kids that will eat off any surface, it makes me feel better to know that my floor is chemical-free enough to eat off. I also like the shower/tub cleaner in hopes that it helps with Lucy's sensitivity issues. I just bought the dryer sheets so it's too soon to rate them.
I was at a point where convenience was trumping safety and the importance of our earth. I am far from reaching environmentalist awards but I will try to at least start going halvsies. I'll try to recycle half of my plastics and glass, getting my groceries bagged in plastic as few times as possible, repurpose things that I would normally throw away so I at least get a little more use and don't have to buy or use something new.
Here are some of my examples...when I do get plastic grocery bags, use them for trash bags in the bathroom. Use egg cartons for holding finger paints. Cover cans with scrapping paper and use them for vases. Don't throw electronics in the trash. Any other good ones?


Anonymous said...

I use the plastic grocery bags to wrap yucky diapers individually in for the trash can instead of using my diaper geenie - I just think it's easier and less smelly, but I guess it might be "greener" too. I also heard recently on Rachel Ray that getting paper at the grocery store isn't the best - reusing the plastic ones is. She says to just take them back to the grocery store and have the bagger reuse them. Haven't tried that one yet... I think my fellow Okies might think I was a little crazy doing that since they looked at me sidewways already when I ask them where to take my pop cans... are you kidding me????

Priscilla said...

I have kept thinking about getting a bunch of those reusable bags from whole foods and just always having them in the car so that I don't have to use the disposable ones anymore. you also can use the cans covered with scrapbook paper for a pencil holder. And martha uses smalle cans to organize her bathroom cabinet...things like q-tips, bobbypins, etc...she tips the small can sideways in her bathroom cabinet and everything has its own little place. i'm sorry, i don't have any other ideas. but i do like to take care of god's green earth!