Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I consistently see a correlation between boundaries and blessings. I have been struggling to figure out these past couple of years what it means to live the life that God intended. I am not even close to the answer but I have definitely come a long way in my journey, at least mentally. I have yet to put a lot of the things I believe into practice. Why is that? Here are some examples...
1. If we know that good nutrition and exercise help us to live longer and have a greater quality of life why do we choose unhealthy foods and fight exercise. Being overweight and unhealthy feels gross and it is a choice for most people.
2. If we spend more money than we make, we will owe someone money. Living in debt feels gross and it is a choice for all people.
3. If we continue to treat the earth poorly we might have a hard time finding a parcel of land to live on (watch An Inconvenient Truth to see about the choices we can make and decide this one for yourself)
4. If we treat people poorly no one will be at our funeral. I actually don't know that to be truth but it is always in the movies. It is true that we will be alienated from the relationships that exist to let us know God better and to be encouraged.

When we live this way we are unable to see the gifts that God intended us to have.

Why do we continue to ignore the boundaries and insist on living a life that is mediocre when we could could be living one that is extraordinary?

1 comment:

Priscilla said...

Yeah, I don't know why. Jeb and I are trying to explore why we aren't doing/being who we desire to be and how we feel like we could live to fully honor God. I think a lot of it is coming down to least in my life. Deciding to be healthy in all parts of our lives...but it is so hard when it comes down to eating chips and dip instead of an apple or wanting to buy a Starbucks latte instead of brewing my coffee at home. Every day can turn down the path you think and plan for it to go or just down the same well-beaten one with no boundaries. I tend to choose the more comfortable route most days, but am fighting to break away and blaze a new trail.