Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Places without "Cricket Season"

Okay, so I have been a pretty good Abilene citizen these past 2 years. I have had an above average attitude concerning west Texas considering my Oregon roots. I have tried to appreciate and at times admire Abilene with its dirt and flatness. But, seriously, cricket season?! I don't care what Miss Spider tells her Sunny Patch Friends but crickets are gross. They are really concentrated around campus and various strip malls throughout town. Now, I know that 2 years ago it was much worse but I will never get used to large bugs jumping around on the floor while I am shopping or trying not to step on a smooshed one. What purpose do these annoying bugs serve?


Wendy said...

Crickets at night have been keeping me from sleeping, and it drives me nuts. We had the bug guy out to treat the house today, and he assured me we will not hear crickets tonight. WE WILL SEE.

RoniZee said...

Ugh. I HATE crickets. They are evil. When I lived in OKC, one year there was a plague of them. We had to lock one of the doors of our Starbucks because the outside wall was completely covered in them and when people would open the door, crickets would fall on their heads. Sick!!!!!!!!!

Also, whenever a cricket would make it's way into my apartment, it was all out war! I would be so ready for battle, but I was too chicken to actually get close so I would just throw things at it. Hehehe.