Saturday, January 19, 2008

Good Music For Kids

Nothing against the Wiggles (I actually don't hate them) but there are only so many kids songs that we can take, right? This Website has some really great choices from artists that normally make "mommy and daddy" music. This is great for any parent, aunt or uncle that likes cool music and wants their dearest nieces and nephews to have cool music (ahem, Uncle Brandon) also.

On another note, while I have been typing this I have seen a Vanessa Hudgens commercial for some gold shoes 8 times. I know that High School Musical has all the ingredients of a perfect Jenny treat. But I cannot seem to embrace this series with the kind of love that the rest of the world has. I mean, this is coming from someone who adores Grease 2, Valley Girl, Xanadu, Bring it On... Ahh, 9 times, the commercial just came on again. So, why can't I love this? I think that (most everyone I know needs to close their eyes) Zac Ephron looks like a lady and I am offended that he is doing a remake of Footloose. I am offended that anyone could doubt the perfection of the movie Footloose. There is nothing that can be done to make it better. Is nothing sacred?

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