Saturday, January 05, 2008

When Christmas is over

I love Christmastime. It's so great with the lights and the food and songs and the things of that nature (Say that Arnold style-it's funnier). I also love the meaning of Christmas and agree with most that the true meaning should be celebrated all year. But, as soon as it hits January 1st I am done. No more caroling, no more decorations and no more blow-up snowglobes of Santa in the yards. Lucy doesn't get this concept yet and so she innocently sang Jingle Bells 20 times in a row while in the car today never knowing about the Grinch in my head. I will try to be patient with those who insist upon carrying Christmas through the new year but I am done. Having said that, I should probably take down the wreath on my front door.


Priscilla said...

I agree. We don't need to drag out the commercialness of Christmas any longer than necessary. And for me, I like moving on to bigger and better my birthday. So as soon as January rolls around I start reminding Jeb of all the things I want that I didn't get for Christmas! :)

Jeanette said...

Def. agree with that, I don't like looking at all the decorations and all after it's all over, just rather not drag it on and take it down so I don't have a reminder. But it will be here again before we know it.